“The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day.” –O. A. Battista
What does a parent coach do?
Many of us walk into parenting with some vague notion about how we want to be as parents. Some of us are very “sure” of exactly how we’ll do things. Then reality hits. Our plans don’t actually match what’s unfolding in our lives and our homes, and we realize that some support would be helpful.
A parent coaching professional can provide that support. A good parent coach knows that there’s no “one size fits all” solution to any parenting challenge. They’ll work with you to get a sense of what’s happening and understand the nuances of your specific situation. A good parent coach won’t “fix” your child, nor will they try to “fix” you. Rather, they’ll work to understand your individual strengths and help you grow together as a family from a place of empowerment and encouragement.
Additionally, a good parent coach will not tell you how to parent. They will support your values, priorities, and goals, and provide the accountability, loving reflections, and feedback to allow you to live your vision.
Rather than simply telling you what to do – without any of the why behind it – your parenting coach will help you understand child development and the latest science to strengthen your abilities and confidence within your own family. Logistically, parent coaching professionals typically meet with their clients on a regular basis, often weekly. During each session, your parent coach will be prepared to guide you on your parenting journey. They’ll offer you new approaches to try, listen with empathy, and suggest resources that can help you solve problems. Most parent coaching services are provided by certified professionals who’ve taken the initiative to deeply train and understand effective and connection-based parenting.
One on One Coaching
I provide online parent coaching services to parents around the world. Coaching sessions can be a great way to receive help that is tailored to the specific challenges you are facing as a parent.
Listening Partnership
It's time to leave the guilt, frustration, and short temper behind as you enjoy becoming the confident, relaxed, patient, and compassionate parent you know you can be. What would it be like if, when you get exhausted or are on the verge of yelling at your kids, you could push a button and the stress of parenting would melt away? Imagine packing up your frustrations and handing them off to another person. Someone who could handle your biggest feelings, your pent up anger or tears.That’s when parenting begins to change for the better. When you feel more supported, you can relax. You feel the power of your own intelligence, and confidence in your parenting. Your patience for your children grows, and your ability to connect with your children deepens. We’ll show you exactly how to create a listening partnership that can do just this.
Parents in Full Time Ministry
If you’re a pastor, how can you improve your relationship with your children? Pastor’s kids usually love that their parents are in ministry helping people. However, it doesn’t mean that they want the lines to be blurred at home. Raising a family and being in full-time ministry can be very challenging, let’s set up a time where we can navigate family and ministry.